Traffic measurement is an important issue for Regulatory Authorities. In a number of recommendations and guidelines, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) stresses the importance of measuring traffic flow for the industry stakeholders, United Nations demographic data and the Regulators.
CMD-SOFT solutions address this issue by delivering real-time, accurate and detailed information as well as statistics on all traffic passing through the Operator networks in the country:
Access to accurate traffic data (traffic volume, QoS, fraud identification and elimination…) is crucial for better regulation of the sector and for the correct collection of associated information for the national authorities. If any of these transaction types are subject to levies or taxes the Government could potentially be losing significant revenue and market visibility. CMD-SOFT solutions include the required components to calculate the amount of taxes due to the Government.
Domestic and International Voice (and SMS)
When a telecoms transaction is made between two parties - e.g. a voice call, there is a large amount of control and management information which is transmitted with that transaction. This data is gathered by the CMD-SOFT solution and formatted for analysis. It documents the details of a telephone call, or other communications transaction (such as SMS), that passes across the networks. The information collected contains various attributes of the call: e.g. time, duration, completion status, retries, source and destination numbers, but does not include the content of that transaction.
The Value for Operators and the Regulator/State is significant:
Provide total visibility of the market and its performance
The data is critical to the production of revenue, providing the basis for the generation of telephone bills
Between Operators
From the Regulator/State to the Operators for the service fee associated with delivery of the service of each telecommunications transaction
Provide valuable information for the Regulator to monitor and measure the Quality of Service delivered by the Operator related to each transaction
Provide the Regulator with the information to mediate disputes between Operators
Provide the Regulator with vital data related to UN and ITU reporting requirements
Provide the detection and elimination of international by-pass fraud (SIM Box)
CMD-SOFT’s Data solution proposition is similar to the control of the voice traffic. With the increase of the Over The Top (OTT) services, the volume of international voice calls is decreasing whereas the volume of data will increase significantly over the coming years. As a result, data is becoming an important revenue generator.
CMD-SOFT’s objective is to manage data traffic on the networks and bring full transparency. To do so, we provide a set of tools enabling the State to gain total visibility over the local data market i.e. the solution to regulate, mediate and control this market segment, accurately. The CMD-SOFT solution provides a wide range of statistics enabling Governments to:
Count data traffic volume in real time based on the type of service (e.g. Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube…)
Apply and bill data traffic according to the law in place (e.g. x$/Gb)
Contact us for more details (> link to the contact page)
MOBILE MONEY transaction monitoring and measurement
Previously, recharging a mobile account meant adding more airtime, however now increasingly, mobile users are able to add money to their phone to remit to another subscriber. Governments and regulatory bodies (Central Bank, Revenue and Telecommunications) need to gain more visibility and control over the fast-growing market of Mobile Money transactions.
CMD-SOFT has developed a solution that assists authorities in monitoring compliance with regulations pertaining to Mobile Money in real-time and to ensure that all transactions are traceable and accounted for. The solution further allows the authorities to apply a service tax to each transaction if deemed appropriate, thereby enhancing Government revenues.